There are two ways we backup the Neo4j graph:
Restoring graph.db folders is more convenient: you simply replace the current folder with the backed-up one. Restoring a JSON dump requires running the GraphSON command via the ./scripts/cmd wrapper, e.g:
./scripts/cmd graphson -d in /path/to/json/dump/file.json
This is best done on a dev machine rather than the server. Note that loading a JSON dump file should be loaded into a completely new database, i.e:
Note: although the GraphSON loader does buffer input transactions (i.e. it doesn’t do the whole load in one TX) it has been observed to hit a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error during this operation. If that occurs, increase the -Xmx1g arg in the ./scripts/cmd wrapper to, e.g., 2g.
Once loaded the Solr index should be fully re-built since Neo4j re-uses native graph ids and they will have changed.