Creu Seilwaith Ymchwil Holocost Cenedlaethol y DU

Mae gan y DU gasgliad unigryw o gofnodion yn ymwneud â’r Holocost a ffoaduriaid sy’n ffoi o ormes y Natsïaid. Mae EHRI-UK yn gweithio tuag at ddod o hyd i’r deunydd ffynhonnell hwn a’i gysylltu yn y DU drwy Seilwaith Ymchwil yr Holocost digidol cenedlaethol.

Dysgu mwy

Mwy am genhadaeth a gweledigaeth EHRI

Gwasanaethau EHRI

Isod mae rhai o'r gwasanaethau arloesol a grëwyd gan EHRI i'w defnyddio gan bawb.

The EHRI Portal image
The EHRI Portal

The EHRI portal offers access to information on Holocaust-related archival material held in institutions across Europe and beyond.

Document Blog image
Document Blog

The EHRI document blog is a space to share ideas about Holocaust-related archival documents, and their presentation and interpretation using digital tools.

Diplomatic Reports image
Diplomatic Reports

The online edition “Diplomatic Reports” focuses on how diplomatic staff reported the persecution and murder of European Jews during World War II.

Diplomatic Reports image
Diplomatic Reports

The online edition “Diplomatic Reports” focuses on how diplomatic staff reported the persecution and murder of European Jews during World War II.

Diplomatic Reports image
Diplomatic Reports

The online edition “Diplomatic Reports” focuses on how diplomatic staff reported the persecution and murder of European Jews during World War II.

Diplomatic Reports image
Diplomatic Reports

The online edition “Diplomatic Reports” focuses on how diplomatic staff reported the persecution and murder of European Jews during World War II.
