Mae Seilwaith Ymchwil yr Holocost Ewropeaidd (EHRI) yn seilwaith rhyngwladol sy’n sicrhau ymchwil, coffâd ac addysg yr Holocost ar lefel draws-genedlaethol. EHRI-UK yw’r nod cenedlaethol sy’n cynrychioli’r Deyrnas Unedig o fewn y consortiwm ymchwil rhyngwladol hwn.

Bydd EHRI-UK yn ceisio sicrhau cynaliadwyedd hirdymor ymchwil Holocost o fewn y DU a thu hwnt trwy:

EHRI’s impact is primarily scientific, however, the infrastructure also advances a wider social and political agenda. The recent rise of antisemitism, xenophobia and aggressive nationalisms in Europe and beyond demonstrate that Holocaust research is never a purely academic concern, but a prerequisite for open and non-discriminatory societies across Europe and beyond.

Welsh Dr. Rachel Pistol image

Welsh Dr. Rachel Pistol

Some Welsh Text

Dr. Christine Schmidt image

Dr. Christine Schmidt

More Welsh text