Training & Fellowships

This is some markdown content with a link.

Here is a paragraph with some text in it, and a link to the About page.

Here is a caption for an image With some text below it

Here is a caption for an image

With some text below it

Another Caption This figure is on its side.

Another Caption

This figure is on its side.

Floating figures

Floating figures can be tricky due to all the inherent complexity of wrapping text around images, with the added complication of captions.

The theme provides a few classes for this, but things are subject to change:

the fig-float class will float the figure to the left with a default width of 50%, except on narrow views.
the fig-right class will float the figure to the right with a default width of 50%, except on narrow views.

Additionally, the following shortcode may be useful:

the clear shortcode is an invisible element that can be used to force anything following it to clear previous floating elements.

{{< clear >}} 

For example, here is a floated figure and some text that wraps it:

Left floating caption Using the fig-float class will float the figure to the left.

Left floating caption

Using the fig-float class will float the figure to the left.

This is some text that will go to the right of the previous image.

This text is below the image, because it follows a clear shortcode.

Right floating caption Using the fig-float and fig-right classes will float the figure to the right.

Right floating caption

Using the fig-float and fig-right classes will float the figure to the right.

Text that wraps to the left of the right-floated image.

No caption

To use a floating figure without a caption, simply omit the caption parameter:

Here’s a thing the creates a footnote.1

Here’s a simple table:


Here’s a quote:

This is some text that’s in a quotation block

  1. This is the footnote ↩︎