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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2015 Data Archiving and Networked Services (an institute of
3    * Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen), King's College London,
4    * Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Stiftung Oeffentlichen Rechts
5    *
6    * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or – as soon they will be approved by
7    * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
8    * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
9    * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
10   *
11   *
12   *
13   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
15   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   * See the Licence for the specific language governing
17   * permissions and limitations under the Licence.
18   */
20  package eu.ehri.project.importers.cvoc;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import com.tinkerpop.frames.FramedGraph;
27  import com.typesafe.config.Config;
28  import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory;
29  import eu.ehri.project.api.Api;
30  import eu.ehri.project.api.ApiFactory;
31  import eu.ehri.project.core.GraphManager;
32  import eu.ehri.project.core.GraphManagerFactory;
33  import eu.ehri.project.definitions.EventTypes;
34  import eu.ehri.project.definitions.Ontology;
35  import eu.ehri.project.definitions.SkosMultilingual;
36  import eu.ehri.project.exceptions.DeserializationError;
37  import eu.ehri.project.exceptions.ItemNotFound;
38  import eu.ehri.project.exceptions.PermissionDenied;
39  import eu.ehri.project.exceptions.SerializationError;
40  import eu.ehri.project.exceptions.ValidationError;
41  import eu.ehri.project.importers.ImportLog;
42  import eu.ehri.project.models.EntityClass;
43  import eu.ehri.project.models.Link;
44  import eu.ehri.project.models.base.Accessor;
45  import eu.ehri.project.models.base.Actioner;
46  import eu.ehri.project.models.base.Described;
47  import eu.ehri.project.models.base.Linkable;
48  import eu.ehri.project.models.cvoc.AuthoritativeItem;
49  import eu.ehri.project.models.cvoc.AuthoritativeSet;
50  import eu.ehri.project.models.cvoc.Concept;
51  import eu.ehri.project.models.cvoc.Vocabulary;
52  import eu.ehri.project.persistence.ActionManager;
53  import eu.ehri.project.persistence.Bundle;
54  import eu.ehri.project.persistence.BundleManager;
55  import eu.ehri.project.persistence.Mutation;
56  import eu.ehri.project.persistence.Serializer;
57  import eu.ehri.project.utils.LanguageHelpers;
58  import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntClass;
59  import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModel;
60  import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntModelSpec;
61  import org.apache.jena.ontology.OntResource;
62  import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory;
63  import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode;
64  import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource;
65  import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Statement;
66  import org.apache.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator;
67  import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.OWL;
68  import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF;
69  import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDFS;
70  import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.SKOS;
71  import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.SKOSXL;
72  import org.slf4j.Logger;
73  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
75  import;
76  import;
77  import;
78  import java.nio.file.Files;
79  import java.nio.file.Paths;
80  import java.util.Collections;
81  import java.util.List;
82  import java.util.Locale;
83  import java.util.Map;
84  import java.util.Objects;
85  import java.util.Optional;
86  import java.util.Set;
87  import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
88  import java.util.function.Function;
89  import;
90  import;
92  /**
93   * Import SKOS RDF.
94   */
95  public final class JenaSkosImporter implements SkosImporter {
97      private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JenaSkosImporter.class);
98      private static final Config config = ConfigFactory.load();
99      private static final Splitter codeSplitter = Splitter.on('-')
100             .omitEmptyStrings().trimResults().limit(2);
101     private final FramedGraph<?> framedGraph;
102     private final Actioner actioner;
103     private final Vocabulary vocabulary;
104     private final BundleManager dao;
105     private final Api api;
106     private final Serializer mergeSerializer;
107     private final boolean tolerant;
108     private final String format;
109     private final String baseURI;
110     private final String suffix;
111     private final String defaultLang;
112     private static final String DEFAULT_LANG = Locale.ENGLISH.getISO3Language();
113     private static final Bundle linkTemplate = Bundle.of(EntityClass.LINK)
114             .withDataValue(Ontology.LINK_HAS_DESCRIPTION, config.getString("io.import.defaultLinkText"))
115             .withDataValue(Ontology.LINK_HAS_TYPE, config.getString("io.import.defaultLinkType"));
117     /**
118      * Constructor
119      *
120      * @param framedGraph The framed graph
121      * @param actioner    The actioner
122      * @param vocabulary  The target vocabulary
123      * @param tolerant    Whether or not to ignore single item validation errors.
124      * @param format      The RDF format
125      * @param defaultLang The language to use for elements without specified language
126      */
127     public JenaSkosImporter(FramedGraph<?> framedGraph, Actioner actioner,
128             Vocabulary vocabulary, boolean tolerant, String baseURI, String suffix, String format, String defaultLang) {
129         this.framedGraph = framedGraph;
130         this.actioner = actioner;
131         this.vocabulary = vocabulary;
132         this.api = ApiFactory.noLogging(framedGraph,;
133         this.mergeSerializer = new Serializer.Builder(framedGraph).dependentOnly().build();
134         this.tolerant = tolerant;
135         this.baseURI = baseURI;
136         this.suffix = suffix;
137         this.format = format;
138         this.defaultLang = defaultLang;
139         this.dao = new BundleManager(framedGraph, vocabulary.idPath());
140     }
142     private static class StringValue {
143         private final String str;
144         private final String lang;
146         StringValue(String str, String lang) {
147             this.str = str;
148             this.lang = lang;
149         }
151         String getValue() {
152             return str;
153         }
155         String getLang() {
156             return lang;
157         }
159         @Override
160         public String toString() {
161             return "\"" + str + "\"" + (
162                     lang == null || lang.trim().isEmpty() ? "" : "@" + lang);
163         }
164     }
166     /**
167      * Constructor
168      *
169      * @param framedGraph The framed graph
170      * @param actioner    The actioner
171      * @param vocabulary  The target vocabulary
172      */
173     public JenaSkosImporter(FramedGraph<?> framedGraph, Actioner actioner,
174             Vocabulary vocabulary) {
175         this(framedGraph, actioner, vocabulary, false, null, null, null, DEFAULT_LANG);
176     }
178     @Override
179     public JenaSkosImporter setTolerant(boolean tolerant) {
180         logger.debug("Setting importer to tolerant: {}", tolerant);
181         return new JenaSkosImporter(
182                 framedGraph, actioner, vocabulary, tolerant, baseURI, suffix, format, defaultLang);
183     }
185     @Override
186     public JenaSkosImporter setBaseURI(String prefix) {
187         logger.debug("Setting importer base URI: {}", prefix);
188         return new JenaSkosImporter(
189                 framedGraph, actioner, vocabulary, tolerant, prefix, suffix, format, defaultLang);
190     }
192     @Override
193     public JenaSkosImporter setURISuffix(String suffix) {
194         logger.debug("Setting importer URI: suffix {}", suffix);
195         return new JenaSkosImporter(
196                 framedGraph, actioner, vocabulary, tolerant, baseURI, suffix, format, defaultLang);
197     }
199     @Override
200     public JenaSkosImporter setFormat(String format) {
201         logger.debug("Setting importer format: {}", format);
202         return new JenaSkosImporter(
203                 framedGraph, actioner, vocabulary, tolerant, baseURI, suffix, format, defaultLang);
204     }
206     @Override
207     public JenaSkosImporter setDefaultLang(String lang) {
208         logger.debug("Setting importer default language: {}", lang);
209         return new JenaSkosImporter(
210                 framedGraph, actioner, vocabulary, tolerant, baseURI, suffix, format,
211                 LanguageHelpers.iso639DashTwoCode(lang));
212     }
214     /**
215      * Import a file by path.
216      *
217      * @param filePath   The SKOS file path
218      * @param logMessage A log message
219      * @return A log of imported nodes
220      */
221     @Override
222     public ImportLog importFile(String filePath, String logMessage)
223             throws IOException, ValidationError {
224         try (InputStream ios = Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(filePath))) {
225             return importFile(ios, logMessage);
226         }
227     }
229     /**
230      * Import an input stream.
231      *
232      * @param ios        The SKOS file input stream
233      * @param logMessage A log message
234      * @return A log of imported nodes
235      */
236     @Override
237     public ImportLog importFile(InputStream ios, String logMessage) throws IOException, ValidationError {
239         // Create a new action for this import
240         Optional<String> logMsg = getLogMessage(logMessage);
241         ActionManager.EventContext eventContext = new ActionManager(framedGraph, vocabulary).newEventContext(
242                 actioner, EventTypes.ingest, logMsg);
243         // Create a manifest to store the results of the import.
244         ImportLog log = new ImportLog(logMsg.orElse(null));
246         // NB: We rely in inference here, despite a sketchy understanding of how it works ;)
247         // The RDFS.subPropertyOf lets us fetch SKOS-XL pref/alt/hidden labels using
248         // the same property name as the plain SKOS variants.
249         OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM_RULE_INF);
250         try {
251             model.add(SKOSXL.prefLabel, RDFS.subPropertyOf, SKOS.prefLabel);
252             model.add(SKOSXL.altLabel, RDFS.subPropertyOf, SKOS.altLabel);
253             model.add(SKOSXL.hiddenLabel, RDFS.subPropertyOf, SKOS.hiddenLabel);
254             // Since we use the same graph label for narrower/broader, enabling inverse
255             // inference on the model means we get consistent behaviour when syncing
256             // these relationships, regardless of how they are defined in the RDF...
257             model.add(SKOS.broader, OWL.inverseOf, SKOS.narrower);
259   , null, format);
260             OntClass conceptClass = model.getOntClass(SkosRDFVocabulary.CONCEPT.getURI().toString());
261             logger.debug("in import file: {}", SkosRDFVocabulary.CONCEPT.getURI());
262             Map<Resource, Concept> imported = Maps.newHashMap();
264             ExtendedIterator<? extends OntResource> itemIterator = conceptClass.listInstances();
265             try {
266                 while (itemIterator.hasNext()) {
267                     Resource item =;
269                     try {
270                         Mutation<Concept> graphConcept = importConcept(item);
271                         imported.put(item, graphConcept.getNode());
273                         switch (graphConcept.getState()) {
274                             case UNCHANGED:
275                                 log.addUnchanged();
276                                 break;
277                             case CREATED:
278                                 log.addCreated();
279                                 eventContext.addSubjects(graphConcept.getNode());
280                                 break;
281                             case UPDATED:
282                                 log.addUpdated();
283                                 eventContext.addSubjects(graphConcept.getNode());
284                                 break;
285                         }
286                     } catch (ValidationError validationError) {
287                         if (tolerant) {
288                             logger.error(validationError.getMessage());
289                             log.addError(item.toString(), validationError.getMessage());
290                         } else {
291                             throw validationError;
292                         }
293                     }
294                 }
295             } finally {
296                 itemIterator.close();
297             }
299             for (Map.Entry<Resource, Concept> pair : imported.entrySet()) {
300                 hookupRelationships(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue(), imported);
301             }
303             for (Concept concept : imported.values()) {
304                 vocabulary.addItem(concept);
305                 concept.setPermissionScope(vocabulary);
306             }
308             if (log.hasDoneWork()) {
309                 eventContext.commit();
310             }
312             return log;
313         } finally {
314             model.close();
315         }
316     }
318     private Mutation<Concept> importConcept(Resource item) throws ValidationError {
319         logger.debug("Importing: {}", item);
320         Bundle.Builder builder = Bundle.Builder.withClass(EntityClass.CVOC_CONCEPT)
321                 .addDataValue(Ontology.IDENTIFIER_KEY, getId(URI.create(item.getURI())))
322                 .addDataValue(Ontology.URI_KEY, item.getURI());
324         for (Map.Entry<String, URI> prop : SkosRDFVocabulary.GENERAL_PROPS.entrySet()) {
325             for (RDFNode target : getObjectWithPredicate(item, prop.getValue())) {
326                 if (target.isLiteral()) {
327                     if (prop.getKey().equals("latitude/longitude")) {
328                         String[] latLon = target.asLiteral().getString().split(",");
329                         if (latLon.length > 1) {
330                             builder.addDataValue("latitude", latLon[0]);
331                             builder.addDataValue("longitude", latLon[1]);
332                         }
333                     } else {
334                         builder.addDataMultiValue(prop.getKey(), target.asLiteral().getString());
335                     }
336                 } else {
337                     builder.addDataMultiValue(prop.getKey(), target.toString());
338                 }
339             }
340         }
342         Map<AuthoritativeItem, String> linkedConcepts = Maps.newHashMap();
344         List<Bundle> unknown = getAdditionalRelations(item, linkedConcepts);
345         for (Bundle description : getDescriptions(item)) {
346             Bundle withRels = description
347                     .withRelations(Ontology.HAS_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY, unknown);
348             builder.addRelation(Ontology.DESCRIPTION_FOR_ENTITY, withRels);
349         }
351         Mutation<Concept> mut = dao.createOrUpdate(, Concept.class);
352         createLinks(mut.getNode(), linkedConcepts);
353         return mut;
354     }
356     private void createLinks(Concept unit, Map<AuthoritativeItem, String> linkedConcepts) {
357         for (AuthoritativeItem concept : linkedConcepts.keySet()) {
358             try {
359                 String relType = linkedConcepts.get(concept);
360                 String typeKey = relType.substring(0, relType.indexOf(":"));
361                 String typeValue = relType.substring(relType.indexOf(":") + 1);
362                 Bundle data = linkTemplate.withDataValue(typeKey, typeValue);
363                 Optional<Link> existing = findLink(unit, concept, data);
364                 if (!existing.isPresent()) {
365                     Link link = api.create(data, Link.class);
366                     unit.addLink(link);
367                     concept.addLink(link);
368                 }
369             } catch (ValidationError | PermissionDenied | DeserializationError | SerializationError ex) {
370                 logger.error("Unexpected error creating relationship link", ex);
371             }
372         }
373     }
375     private Optional<Link> findLink(Described unit, Linkable target, Bundle data) throws SerializationError {
376         for (Link link : unit.getLinks()) {
377             for (Linkable connected : link.getLinkTargets()) {
378                 if (target.equals(connected)
379                         && mergeSerializer.entityToBundle(link).equals(data)) {
380                     return Optional.of(link);
381                 }
382             }
383         }
384         return Optional.empty();
385     }
387     private List<Bundle> getAdditionalRelations(Resource item, Map<AuthoritativeItem, String> linkedItems) {
388         List<Bundle> unknown = Lists.newArrayList();
390         for (Map.Entry<String, URI> rel : SkosRDFVocabulary.RELATION_PROPS.entrySet()) {
391             for (RDFNode annotation : getObjectWithPredicate(item, rel.getValue())) {
392                 if (annotation.isLiteral()) {
393                     unknown.add(Bundle.Builder.withClass(EntityClass.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY)
394                             .addDataValue(rel.getKey(), annotation.toString())
395                             .build());
396                 } else {
397                     if (rel.getKey().startsWith("skos:") || rel.getKey().startsWith("sem:")) {
398                         Optional<AuthoritativeItem> found = findRelatedConcept(annotation.toString());
399                         if (found.isPresent()) {
400                             linkedItems.put(found.get(), rel.getKey());
401                         } else {
402                             unknown.add(Bundle.Builder.withClass(EntityClass.UNKNOWN_PROPERTY)
403                                     .addDataValue(rel.getKey(), annotation.toString())
404                                     .build());
405                         }
406                     }
407                 }
408             }
409         }
410         return unknown;
411     }
413     private Optional<AuthoritativeItem> findRelatedConcept(String name) {
414         if (name != null) {
415             String[] domains = name.split("/");
416             if (domains.length > 2) {
417                 String cvocId = domains[domains.length - 2];
418                 String conceptId = domains[domains.length - 1];
419                 AuthoritativeSet referredSet;
420                 try {
421                     GraphManager manager = GraphManagerFactory.getInstance(framedGraph);
422                     referredSet = manager.getEntity(cvocId, AuthoritativeSet.class);
423                     for (AuthoritativeItem authItem : referredSet.getAuthoritativeItems()) {
424                         if (authItem.getIdentifier().equals(conceptId)) {
425                             return Optional.of(authItem);
426                         }
427                     }
428                 } catch (ItemNotFound ex) {
429                     logger.error("AuthoritativeSet with id {} not found: {}", cvocId, ex.getMessage());
430                 }
431             }
432         }
433         return Optional.empty();
434     }
436     private List<RDFNode> getObjectWithPredicate(Resource item, final URI propUri) {
437         // NB: this should be possible with simply item.listProperties(propUri)
438         // but for some reason that doesn't work... I can't grok why.
439         return item.listProperties().filterKeep(statement ->
440                 statement.getPredicate()
441                         .hasURI(propUri.toString()))
442                 .mapWith(Statement::getObject).toList();
443     }
445     private void connectRelation(Concept current, Resource item, Map<Resource, Concept> others,
446             URI propUri, Function<Concept, Iterable<Concept>> getter,
447             BiConsumer<Concept, Concept> addFunc, BiConsumer<Concept, Concept> dropFunc) {
448         Set<Concept> existingRelations = Sets.newHashSet(getter.apply(current));
449         Set<Concept> newRelations = getObjectWithPredicate(item, propUri)
450                 .stream()
451                 .filter(RDFNode::isResource)
452                 .map(n -> others.get(n.asResource()))
453                 .filter(Objects::nonNull)
454                 .collect(Collectors.toSet());
455         if (!existingRelations.equals(newRelations)) {
456             logger.debug("Updating relations for concept: {}: {} -> {} => {}",
457                     propUri, current.getId(), existingRelations, newRelations);
459             Sets.difference(existingRelations, newRelations)
460                     .forEach(e -> dropFunc.accept(current, e));
461             Sets.difference(newRelations, existingRelations)
462                     .forEach(n -> addFunc.accept(current, n));
463         }
464     }
466     private void hookupRelationships(Resource item, Concept current, Map<Resource, Concept> conceptMap) {
467         connectRelation(current, item, conceptMap, SkosRDFVocabulary.BROADER.getURI(),
468                 Concept::getBroaderConcepts, Concept::addBroaderConcept, Concept::removeBroaderConcept);
469         connectRelation(current, item, conceptMap, SkosRDFVocabulary.NARROWER.getURI(),
470                 Concept::getNarrowerConcepts, Concept::addNarrowerConcept, Concept::removeNarrowerConcept);
471         connectRelation(current, item, conceptMap, SkosRDFVocabulary.RELATED.getURI(),
472                 Concept::getRelatedConcepts, Concept::addRelatedConcept, Concept::removeRelatedConcept);
473     }
475     private List<StringValue> getReifiedObjectValue(Resource item, URI propUri) {
476         List<StringValue> values = Lists.newArrayList();
477         for (RDFNode node : getObjectWithPredicate(item, propUri)) {
478             if (node.isLiteral()) {
479                 values.add(new StringValue(node.asLiteral().getString(), node.asLiteral().getLanguage()));
480             } else {
481                 Stream.of(SKOSXL.literalForm, RDF.value)
482                         .map(prop -> node.asResource().getProperty(prop))
483                         .filter(Objects::nonNull)
484                         .map(Statement::getObject)
485                         .filter(Objects::nonNull)
486                         .findFirst()
487                         .ifPresent(object -> values.add(new StringValue(
488                                 object.asLiteral().getString(), object.asLiteral().getLanguage())));
489             }
490         }
491         return values;
492     }
494     private List<Bundle> getDescriptions(Resource item) {
495         List<Bundle> descriptions = Lists.newArrayList();
497         for (StringValue property : getReifiedObjectValue(item, SkosRDFVocabulary.PREF_LABEL.getURI())) {
499             Bundle.Builder builder = Bundle.Builder.withClass(EntityClass.CVOC_CONCEPT_DESCRIPTION);
501             String langCode2Letter = property.getLang();
502             String langCode3Letter = getLanguageCode(langCode2Letter, defaultLang);
503             Optional<String> descCode = getScriptCode(langCode2Letter);
505             builder.addDataValue(Ontology.NAME_KEY, property.getValue())
506                     .addDataValue(Ontology.LANGUAGE, langCode3Letter);
507             descCode.ifPresent(code -> builder.addDataValue(Ontology.IDENTIFIER_KEY, code));
509             for (Map.Entry<String, List<URI>> prop : SkosRDFVocabulary.LANGUAGE_PROPS.entrySet()) {
510                 List<String> values = Lists.newArrayList();
511                 for (URI uri : prop.getValue()) {
512                     for (StringValue target : getReifiedObjectValue(item, uri)) {
513                         String propLang2Letter = target.getLang();
514                         String propLanguageCode = getLanguageCode(propLang2Letter, defaultLang);
515                         Optional<String> propDescCode = getScriptCode(propLang2Letter);
516                         if (propLanguageCode.equals(langCode3Letter) && propDescCode.equals(descCode)) {
517                             values.add(target.getValue());
518                         }
519                     }
520                 }
521                 if (!values.isEmpty()) {
522                     // Sorting the related literal values in
523                     // natural order gives consistency between
524                     // import/export round-trips. The data is
525                     // otherwise unsorted.
526                     Collections.sort(values);
527                     builder.addDataValue(prop.getKey(), values);
528                 }
529             }
530             Bundle bundle =;
531             logger.trace(bundle.toJson());
532             descriptions.add(bundle);
533         }
535         // Hack: if there's only one description it means we've only
536         // got one prefLabel with a language tag. In this case get
537         // a list of altLabels in all languages :(
538         if (descriptions.size() == 1) {
539             List<String> all = getReifiedObjectValue(item, SkosRDFVocabulary.ALT_LABEL.getURI())
540                     .stream()
541                     .map(StringValue::getValue)
542                     .distinct()
543                     .sorted()
544                     .collect(Collectors.toList());
545             if (!all.isEmpty()) {
546                 descriptions.set(0, descriptions.get(0).withDataValue(SkosMultilingual.altLabel.toString(), all));
547             }
548         }
550         return descriptions;
551     }
553     private static String getLanguageCode(String langCode2Letter, String defaultLang) {
554         if (langCode2Letter == null || langCode2Letter.trim().isEmpty()) {
555             return defaultLang;
556         }
557         List<String> parts = codeSplitter.splitToList(langCode2Letter);
558         if (parts.isEmpty()) {
559             return defaultLang;
560         } else {
561             return LanguageHelpers.iso639DashTwoCode(parts.get(0));
562         }
563     }
565     private static Optional<String> getScriptCode(String langCode) {
566         List<String> parts = codeSplitter.splitToList(langCode);
567         return parts.size() > 1 ? Optional.of(parts.get(1)) : Optional.empty();
568     }
570     private String getId(URI uri) {
571         if (baseURI != null && suffix != null && uri.toString().startsWith(baseURI)) {
572             String sub = uri.toString().substring(baseURI.length());
573             return sub.substring(0, sub.lastIndexOf(suffix));
574         } else if (baseURI != null && uri.toString().startsWith(baseURI)) {
575             return uri.toString().substring(baseURI.length());
576         } else if (uri.getFragment() != null) {
577             return uri.getFragment();
578         } else {
579             return uri.getPath().substring(uri.getPath().lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
580                     + (uri.getQuery() != null ? uri.getQuery() : "")
581                     + (uri.getFragment() != null ? uri.getFragment() : "");
582         }
583     }
585     private Optional<String> getLogMessage(String msg) {
586         return msg.trim().isEmpty() ? Optional.empty() : Optional.of(msg);
587     }
588 }