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1   /*
2    * Copyright 2015 Data Archiving and Networked Services (an institute of
3    * Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen), King's College London,
4    * Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen Stiftung Oeffentlichen Rechts
5    *
6    * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or – as soon they will be approved by
7    * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
8    * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
9    * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
10   *
11   *
12   *
13   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
15   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   * See the Licence for the specific language governing
17   * permissions and limitations under the Licence.
18   */
20  package eu.ehri.project.oaipmh;
22  import;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
26  import;
27  import eu.ehri.project.api.Api;
28  import eu.ehri.project.api.QueryApi;
29  import eu.ehri.project.definitions.Ontology;
30  import eu.ehri.project.exceptions.ItemNotFound;
31  import eu.ehri.project.models.Country;
32  import eu.ehri.project.models.DocumentaryUnit;
33  import eu.ehri.project.models.EntityClass;
34  import eu.ehri.project.models.Repository;
35  import eu.ehri.project.models.base.Accessible;
36  import;
37  import;
38  import eu.ehri.project.oaipmh.errors.OaiPmhError;
39  import eu.ehri.project.utils.LanguageHelpers;
40  import org.slf4j.Logger;
41  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
43  import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
44  import java.util.List;
45  import java.util.Optional;
46  import;
47  import;
50  /**
51   * Data fetcher for OAI-PMH requests.
52   */
53  public class OaiPmhData {
55      private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OaiPmhData.class);
56      private static final Splitter hierarchySplitter = Splitter.on('-');
57      private static final Joiner hierarchyJoiner = Joiner.on('-');
58      private static final Splitter setSpecSplitter = Splitter.on(':');
59      private static final Joiner setSpecJoiner = Joiner.on(':');
61      private final Api api;
63      private OaiPmhData(Api api) {
64          this.api = api;
65      }
67      public static OaiPmhData create(Api api) {
68          return new OaiPmhData(api);
69      }
71      QueryApi.Page<OaiPmhSet> getSets(OaiPmhState state) {
72          Stream<OaiPmhSet> setStream = getSets();
73          long count = state.hasLimit() ? getSets().count() : -1L;
75          Stream<OaiPmhSet> offsetStream = setStream.skip(state.getOffset());
76          Stream<OaiPmhSet> limitedSetStream = state.hasLimit()
77                  ? offsetStream.limit(state.getLimit())
78                  : offsetStream;
79          return new QueryApi.Page<>(limitedSetStream::iterator,
80                  state.getOffset(), state.getLimit(), count);
81      }
83      QueryApi.Page<DocumentaryUnit> getFilteredDocumentaryUnits(OaiPmhState state) throws OaiPmhError {
84          String defaultTimestamp = api.actionManager().getEventRoot().getTimestamp();
85          Iterable<DocumentaryUnit> filtered = Iterables.filter(
86                  getDocumentaryUnits(state.getSetSpec()), timeFilterItems(state.getFrom(), state.getUntil(), defaultTimestamp));
87          return api.query().setOffset(state.getOffset()).setLimit(state.getLimit())
88                  .page(filtered, DocumentaryUnit.class);
89      }
91      OaiPmhRecordResult getRecord(OaiPmhState state) throws OaiPmhError {
92          try {
93              return OaiPmhRecordResult.of(api.detail(state.getIdentifier(), DocumentaryUnit.class));
94          } catch (ItemNotFound e) {
95              Optional<Version> deletedOpt = api.versionManager().versionAtDeletion(state.getIdentifier());
96              if (deletedOpt.isPresent()) {
97                  return OaiPmhRecordResult.deleted(getDeletedRecord(deletedOpt.get()));
98              } else {
99                  return OaiPmhRecordResult.invalid();
100             }
101         }
102     }
104     Iterable<OaiPmhDeleted> getFilteredDeletedDocumentaryUnits(final OaiPmhState state) {
105         String setSpec = state.getSetSpec();
106         if (setSpec == null || setSpec.trim().isEmpty()) {
107             return getDeletedDocumentaryUnits(state.getFrom(), state.getUntil());
108         } else {
109             List<String> specParts = Splitter.on(':').splitToList(setSpec);
110             return Iterables.filter(getDeletedDocumentaryUnits(state.getFrom(), state.getUntil()), d -> {
111                 List<String> sets = d.getSets();
112                 if (specParts.size() == 1 && sets.get(0).equals(specParts.get(0))) {
113                     return true;
114                 } else if (specParts.size() == 2 && sets.get(1).equals(specParts.get(1))) {
115                     return true;
116                 }
117                 return false;
118             });
119         }
120     }
122     private OaiPmhDeleted getDeletedRecord(Version version) {
123         // FIXME: This is terrible but the only current way to determine set membership
124         // for deleted items - rely on the global ID to determine country and repository
125         log.trace("Calculating deleted item for {}", version.getEntityId());
126         List<String> countryAndRepo = hierarchySplitter.limit(2).splitToList(version.getEntityId());
127         List<String> sets = ImmutableList.of(countryAndRepo.get(0),
128                 setSpecJoiner.join(countryAndRepo.get(0), hierarchyJoiner.join(countryAndRepo)));
129         ZonedDateTime deletedAt = ZonedDateTime.parse(version.getTriggeringEvent().getTimestamp());
130         return new OaiPmhDeleted(version.getEntityId(), deletedAt, sets);
131     }
133     String getEarliestTimestamp() {
134         return api.actionManager().getEventRoot().getTimestamp();
135     }
137     private Iterable<DocumentaryUnit> getDocumentaryUnits(String setSpec) throws OaiPmhError {
138         return (setSpec == null || setSpec.trim().isEmpty())
139                 ? getDocumentaryUnits()
140                 : getDocumentaryUnitsFromSpecs(setSpec);
141     }
143     private Iterable<DocumentaryUnit> getDocumentaryUnitsFromSpecs(String setSpec) throws OaiPmhError {
144         try {
145             assert setSpec != null;
146             List<String> specParts = setSpecSplitter.splitToList(setSpec);
147             return specParts.size() == 1
148                     ? api.detail(specParts.get(0), Country.class).getTopLevelDocumentaryUnits()
149                     : api.detail(specParts.get(1), Repository.class).getTopLevelDocumentaryUnits();
150         } catch (ItemNotFound e) {
151             // FIXME: Should throw an invalid argument here instead
152             throw new OaiPmhError(ErrorCode.badArgument, "Invalid set spec: " + setSpec);
153         }
154     }
156     private Iterable<DocumentaryUnit> getDocumentaryUnits() {
157         QueryApi.Page<Country> countries = getQuery().page(EntityClass.COUNTRY, Country.class);
158         return Iterables.concat(Iterables.transform(countries, Country::getTopLevelDocumentaryUnits));
159     }
161     private QueryApi getQuery() {
162         return api.query().setStream(true).setLimit(-1)
163                 .orderBy(Ontology.IDENTIFIER_KEY, QueryApi.Sort.ASC);
164     }
166     private Iterable<OaiPmhDeleted> getDeletedDocumentaryUnits(String from, String until) {
167         Iterable<OaiPmhDeleted> transform = Iterables.transform(
168                 api.versionManager().versionsAtDeletion(EntityClass.DOCUMENTARY_UNIT, from, until),
169                 this::getDeletedRecord);
170         return transform;
171     }
173     private Stream<OaiPmhSet> getSets() {
174         Stream<Country> stream = streamOf(getQuery().page(EntityClass.COUNTRY, Country.class));
175         return stream
176                 .filter(c -> c.getTopLevelDocumentaryUnits().iterator().hasNext())
177                 .flatMap(ct -> {
178                     String countryId = ct.getId();
179                     String countryName = LanguageHelpers.countryCodeToName(countryId);
180                     OaiPmhSet countrySet = new OaiPmhSet(countryId, countryName,
181                             "All items in repositories within country: " + countryName);
182                     Stream<OaiPmhSet> repoSets = streamOf(getQuery().page(ct.getRepositories(), Repository.class))
183                             .filter(r -> r.getTopLevelDocumentaryUnits().iterator().hasNext())
184                             .map(r -> {
185                                 String repoName = r.getDescriptions().iterator().hasNext()
186                                         ? r.getDescriptions().iterator().next().getName()
187                                         : null;
188                                 return new OaiPmhSet(countryId + ":" + r.getId(), repoName, "All items within repository: " + repoName);
189                             });
190                     return Stream.concat(Stream.of(countrySet), repoSets);
191                 });
192     }
194     // Helpers...
196     private static <T> Stream<T> streamOf(Iterable<T> it) {
197         return, false);
198     }
200     private static <E extends Accessible> Predicate<E> timeFilterItems(String from, String until, String defaultTimestamp) {
201         return d -> {
202             String ts = Optional.ofNullable(d.getLatestEvent())
203                     .map(SystemEvent::getTimestamp).orElse(defaultTimestamp);
204             return filterByTimestamp(from, until, ts);
205         };
206     }
208     private static boolean filterByTimestamp(String from, String until, String timestamp) {
209         return (from == null || from.compareTo(timestamp) < 0)
210                 && (until == null || until.compareTo(timestamp) >= 0);
211     }
212 }